Building a Legacy Team in Sports and Business

Legacy Teams

If you’ve ever experienced playing on a Legacy Team, you have been blessed! In my 22 years of playing organized sports, I have played on only two legacy teams.

I’ve come to learn in life – through great coaches, teachers, and mentors – in sports or business; there are only four types of teams:

  1. Teams in name only
  2. Good Teams
  3. Great teams
  4. Legacy Teams

I learned this from Coach Bruce Brown who dedicated his entire life to coaching young (Junior high, High School, and College) men and women to be leaders in life. I experienced these four different teams throughout my playing career and corporate work.

Core elements of a Legacy Team.

  • LIFETIME FRIENDSHIPS form. After years pass, you can look across a room and love your teammate because of the shared experience.
  • There is a SHARED JOY of the INNER CIRCLE that can’t be explained outside the team.
  • A Legacy team has a level of ACCOUNTABILITY—PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and RELIABILITY for the work that needs to be done.
  • Their desire is never to let their teammates down.
  • GOOD PRIDE is alive in a Legacy Team. They know the whole is better and more valuable than its parts.
  • Legacy teams carry themselves with a QUIET CONFIDENCE. They know they’re good, yet show it with class and understand that all confidence is to be carried quietly.
  • Legacy teams are built around the COMMITTED.
  • Legacy Teams honor ALL roles as EQUAL.

You’ll have difficulty explaining your legacy team experience to your spouse, neighbor, or friend.

People often say, “That sounds pretty exclusive,” and my response is, “Exactly!” That’s what it’s supposed to be—exclusive! Why? Because when you’re in the huddle and calling the play, it’s just you and your teammates. You’re not with a fan from the stands, an owner, general manager, or booster. It’s just you and your team; at that moment, it is exclusive.

Working with people and organizations.

For the past three decades as a leadership and change expert, I know that building a legacy team is hard work, but it will be the most rewarding experience of your life. And the benefits—immeasurable! Contact me today at Tom Flick Communications if you’re interested in having your teams exceed your best expectations.