How to Elevate Performance through Self-Leadership

self-leadership elevating performance

Self-leadership is necessary to overcome the last two-year rollercoaster ride for businesses.

In such a high-stakes environment, organizations need leaders throughout the enterprise who have the skills to execute and lead successful change efforts. Unfortunately, most companies are struggling with a widespread leadership gap.

Leadership is more than just a title — employees at every level need to be able to navigate change effectively and enhance productivity. Unfortunately, in a workforce of 75% millennials by 2025, many feel their leadership qualities are not being utilized to their full potential. However, there are ample opportunities for businesses to tap into here.

Let’s look at how self-leadership can transform organizations at every level, build tightly-knit teams, and elevate performance in 2022 and beyond.

What Is Self-Leadership?

As the name suggests, self-leadership refers to developing leadership skills to better lead yourself and others instead of relying on others to lead you. It involves an in-depth understanding of who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, and what you feel led to accomplish. 

Self-leadership is an invaluable skill igniting your emotional intelligence. It can transform your personal and professional life. No longer can one senior leadership team lead the change alone. Therefore, businesses of all sizes need to foster self-leadership, which has manifold benefits for the individual, team, and organization. 

3 Skills Necessary for Self-Leadership


Self-leadership starts with your sense of self. When you combine emotional self-awareness and grow into your potential, you’ll be better adjusted to tackle problems and raise performance. In addition, this also gives you an accurate and objective idea of your strengths and weaknesses, leading to increased self-confidence and growth.


Another vital aspect of self-leadership is motivation. Great leaders are self-starters. They don’t wait around for others to get them going. By doing so, they inspire others to raise their game. When you know who you are and what you’re working towards, you can power that purpose with motivation and conquer the inevitable challenges. Individuals with healthy self-leadership skills possess the drive to motivate themselves and others to overcome hurdles.


Awareness of your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors is important. Even in the most adverse situations. Exhibiting self-control is a valued quality in a leader. An individual trying to nurture self-leadership skills must learn to respond instead of reacting to unforeseen circumstances. 

A response is a carefully thought-out action addressing a specific challenge. Whereas an outburst won’t produce any desired results. Self-leadership strengthens your self-control and will help you keep things under control even when faced with dire circumstances.

Cultivating self-leadership skills in employees leads to a successful organization that works like a well-oiled machine. I have years of experience helping organizations build teams, develop leaders, and elevate performance. Fill in this contact form and get in touch with me today!